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Panic Attacks

You are light headed.

Your heart is pounding.

Your chest is tightening.

You are short of breath.

You think you may be dying.

You are light headed.

Your heart is pounding.

Your chest is tightening.

You are short of breath.

You think you may be dying.


Panic attacks have physical and mental symptoms.  Your body feels like it is under attack, and is thrown into fight or flight mode.  Panic attacks can be confusing, debilitating, and unpredictable.  



Below is a list of things to try when anxiety or panic hits:


1. Check your breathing.  During a panic attack breathing is too fast and too quick.  Hold your hand over your stomach, and try to make your hand rise up and down with every breath.  This will slow your breathing down and give you more oxygen, which will calm the attack. 


 2. If you feel anxiety coming on, busy your mind with a puzzle.  Jigsaw puzzles work, and so do puzzle video games like Tetris and Candy Crush.  A visually engaging puzzle grabs the attention of your brain.  It can't panic and play at the same time. 


3.  Call anxiety by its name.  When you feel the sensation of a panic attack coming on, tell yourself what it is.  Reassure yourself that you are not in any danger, and the feeling will soon pass.


4.  Challenge your thoughts.  Sometimes anxiety strikes when you push your own feelings or needs aside. Anxiety has been called a "disease of niceness."  Do you feel better if you are honest with yourself about your wants and needs?

Resilience & Strength in Adversity

The people who went before us...
can teach us how to deal with troubles in life.
Is there a special ancestor you admire?
How did they live their life?
How did they handle hardship?  
Did they become stronger because of the challenges they faced?
What advice would they give you?

Black Coyote, 1891

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